The Most Powerful

Performance Management

System In The World

The Most Powerful

Performance Management

System In The World

Scroll down to know more

  • What should our policy be for Performance or Non-Performance?

    How should we create a culture of performance, reports and reporting?

    What is the guarantee that they won’t repeat this 3 months down the line?

    What if they walk in with their resignation and blackmail us for a bigger increment?

As CEO or People Manager

You may find yourself stressed by these questions...

As CEO or People Manager

You may find yourself surrounded by these questions...

  • How do we retain people if they want to move out for more growth opportunities?

    How do we give feedback to poor performers?

    How do we give better growth to someone who ‘deserves’ it without antagonizing the rest?

    How much increment should we give? To whom?

What is 4DPMS?

What is 4DPMS?

The most comprehensive and effective

Performance Management System in the world is….

The most comprehensive and effective

Performance Management System in the world is….

The 4-Dimensional Performance Management System

The 4-Dimensional Performance Management System

4DPMS is a comprehensive, simple, dynamic and fair method of Performance Management that takes into consideration 4 different dimensions or components on which a person’s performance is defined, measured and rewarded:

4DPMS is a comprehensive, simple, dynamic and fair method of Performance Management that takes into consideration 4 different dimensions or components on which a person’s performance is defined, measured and rewarded:


Functional Dimension


Organizational Dimension


Self-Development Dimension


Developing Others Dimension

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4DPMS is effective in more than 50+ industries.

  • Hospitality

  • IT

  • Finance

  • Automobile

  • Healthcare

  • Packaging

  • Textile

  • Government Institutions

  • Logistics

  • Ed-tech

  • Real Estate

  • FMCG

Liberation Coaches has been trusted by world renowned companies

Liberation Coaches has been trusted by world renowned companies

and many more..



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  • Isn’t 3 months (Q1) too long a period to evaluate and align performance?

    In order to ensure that people are working in an aligned manner and are able to discuss critical areas before their review, 4DPMS includes the Success Alignment Meetings (SAM). During the SAM the HODs present the following to the entire team in the presence of the organizational leaders:
    • What are the department’s Successes?
    • What are the Challenges that the department is facing?
    • What new initiatives have they started?
    • What Support and Help do they require?
    This gives the team an opportunity to present to their colleagues and leaders, get applauded for efforts and applaud the support they have received before being individually reviewed during the Quarterly Reviews.

  • What makes Liberation Coaches an expert in PMS and 4DPMS?

    Liberation Coaches has a track record of over 50000 performance reviews that have been conducted using the 4DPMS method of performance evaluation over a decade. Liberation Coaches has implemented 4DPMS in over 50 different industries and 300 plus organizations. Every other method of performance management has been deeply researched and studied by the experts at Liberation Coaches to ensure that the 4DPMS has the best elements of the best systems in the world and at the same time has added several features that were critical loopholes in the other systems. There are hundreds of testimonials and success stories of professionals and entrepreneurs who have built their career and achieved their goals using 4DPMS.

  • What makes 4DPMS so apt for organizations?

    It starts with setting the Moral Compass and Non-Negotiable Standards of the organization in the form of Core-Values. It clearly and distinctly connects the Organizational Goals to individual responsibilities and results. It is customized and personalized based on individual roles and competencies. It is dynamic and can be changed every quarter based on organizational and personal realities. Critical tasks can be given more weightage. There is a distinct and personalized link between performance and self-development in the system itself. There is scope for determining one’s career progression based on the four dimensions. Depending on the organization or individual, each dimension can be weighted differently so as to be fair.

  • Isn’t 3 months (Q1) too long a period to evaluate and align performance?

    In order to ensure that people are working in an aligned manner and are able to discuss critical areas before their review, 4DPMS includes the Success Alignment Meetings (SAM). During the SAM the HODs present the following to the entire team in the presence of the organizational leaders:
    • What are the department’s Successes?
    • What are the Challenges that the department is facing?
    • What new initiatives have they started?
    • What Support and Help do they require?
    This gives the team an opportunity to present to their colleagues and leaders, get applauded for efforts and applaud the support they have received before being individually reviewed during the Quarterly Reviews.

  • What makes Liberation Coaches an expert in PMS and 4DPMS?

    Liberation Coaches has a track record of over 50000 performance reviews that have been conducted using the 4DPMS method of performance evaluation over a decade. Liberation Coaches has implemented 4DPMS in over 50 different industries and 300 plus organizations. Every other method of performance management has been deeply researched and studied by the experts at Liberation Coaches to ensure that the 4DPMS has the best elements of the best systems in the world and at the same time has added several features that were critical loopholes in the other systems. There are hundreds of testimonials and success stories of professionals and entrepreneurs who have built their career and achieved their goals using 4DPMS.

  • What makes 4DPMS so apt for organizations?

    It starts with setting the Moral Compass and Non-Negotiable Standards of the organization in the form of Core-Values. It clearly and distinctly connects the Organizational Goals to individual responsibilities and results. It is customized and personalized based on individual roles and competencies. It is dynamic and can be changed every quarter based on organizational and personal realities. Critical tasks can be given more weightage. There is a distinct and personalized link between performance and self-development in the system itself. There is scope for determining one’s career progression based on the four dimensions. Depending on the organization or individual, each dimension can be weighted differently so as to be fair.

Testimonials and Client Experiences

Testimonials and Client Experiences

  • I finally have more time to focus on organizational growth initiatives.

    The 4DPMS has helped us to get tremendous control over the performance and management of our team.

    Nikhil Khivansara

    (MD – Align Components, Aurangabad)

  • 4DPMS is so simple that it is understood and implemented by everyone.

    We have a muti-faceted business with teams from different educational and linguistic backgrounds, spread all over the world. We need communicators and mediators for most discussions.

    Salim Kamani

    (MD – Newaco , Congo and Dubai)

  • This has made the coordination at the top extremely effective.

    We have operations in multiple countries. This made organizational evaluation very difficult and complex. The 4DPMS has standardized the way we manage our teams and their performance.

    Dhiraj Makkad

    (MD – Vaibhav Inter Décor, Bangalore)

  • 4DPMS is very very easy to comprehend, fair and transparent

    In family businesses, performance evaluation becomes difficult. It is impossible to share feedback with family members without ruffling a few feathers and straining the relationship. 4DPMS is very easy to comprehend, fair and transparent. It is also very customized to individuals and so it is easy to accept. I am very happy with the system.

    Sandesh Zambad

    (MD – Zambad Group and Soham Auto, Aurangabad)

  • 4DPMS is so simple to understand and implement

    We have used the Balanced Score Card. It became so complex that people stopped using it. But 4DPMS is so simple to understand and implement, suddenly I have super-performers shining in every department.

    N.K. Choudhary

    (Chairman – Jaipur Rugs, Jaipur)

  • Every month now I get all the reports that I need to make business decisions.

    Because of 4DPMS, every month now I get all the reports that I need to make business decisions. This had never happened before. My life as a leader is now extremely simplified. Now I know who is performing, how they are performing and how much they can grow. This is liberating.

    Abhijeet Muley

    (MD – COEP Enviro Solutions, Pune)

  • Our attrition levels have dramatically dropped, and people are happier.

    We have used many tools for performance measurement and appraisals before. But at the end of the PMS cycle, our attrition would shoot up. People saw the method of evaluation as unfair and prejudiced. But since the time we have been using 4DPMS, our attrition levels have dramatically dropped, and people are happier.

    Hemant Minocha

    (Director – Rajiv Plastics, Mumbai)


Who conducts the 4DPMS?

The 4DPMS is facilitated by Certified 4DPMS Process Architects who are functional and organizational experts from various industries. These Process Architects have held leadership positions in corporates and MNCs which makes their understanding of organizational processes cutting-edge. The Process Architects have undergone 5 days of intense residential training, 2 days of shadowing, viva, role plays and written examinations, which makes them experts in the 4DPMS way of evaluating organizations.

How do we implement 4DPMS?

Is 4DPMS offline or online?

What is the Success Alignment Meeting (SAM)?

Isn’t 3 months (1 Quarter) too long a period to evaluate and align performance?

What makes 4DPMS so apt for organizations?

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